Best Review Paper Award: Commerce and Management

Best Review Paper Award

Commerce and Management


  • Dr. Vatsala Gaur Associate Professor- Faculty of Commerce and Management, RNB Global University, Bikaner

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Awardee Biography:

Dr. Vatsala Gaur, Associate Professor- Faculty of Commerce and Management, RNB Global University, Bikaner

Dr. Vatsala Gaur is a senior academician with over 18 years of teaching experience in various state and private universities and management institutes across Delhi, Punjab, Haryana and Rajasthan. She has published many articles in national and international journals and attended national as well as international conferences and workshops.
Her academic interest is financial management, economics, banking and insurance, securities and portfolio management, management accounting and human resource management.

Awarded On:


Award Year

Awarded By:

Shodh Sagar Charitable Trust