Editors Choice Award: Basic and Applied Sciences

Editors Choice Award

Basic and Applied Sciences


  • Dr. Rakesh Bhargava Professor, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, RNB Global University, Bikaner

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Awardee Biography:

Dr. Rakesh Bhargava, Professor, Faculty of Basic and Applied Sciences, RNB Global University, Bikaner

Dr. Rakesh Bhargava is working as Pro-President, RNB Global University, Bikaner. He has thirty five year experience in research on physiological mechanism in potato and arid horticultural crops, a biotic stress management, germ plasm management, varietal development and extension of technologies. He was also actively engaged in the development of DNA based markers in arid horticultural crop and assessing pest-plant interaction so as to develop appropriate eco-friendly strategy for control of pests. He had handled 4 externally funded projects, the results of which have helped in development of strategies for improving horticultural scenario of arid region. He has published about 135 research papers, technical articles and popular articles and 7 technical bulletins. He has authored 2 books. He is Fellow of Indian Society for Plant Physiology, Indian Society for Agricultural Biochemists, Indian Potato Association, Indian Society for Arid Horticulture and member of several professional societies. He has been awarded Bharat Vidya Ratan Award and Adarsh Vidya Saraswati Rashtriya Puraskar, Outstanding Scientist Award by VDGOOD Professional Association in 2022.

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Award Year

Awarded By:

Shodh Sagar Charitable Trust